The Peak Producers—About Us

A Peak Producer is one of the top 10% of real estate agents in Colorado Springs and the surrounding areas. Peak Producers provide proven, dependable real estate services and support the community through their professionalism and charitable giving.

    The Peak Producers Board

    Origins of The Peak Producers

    In 2009 Empire Title of Colorado Springs brought a group of top producing real estate agents together in an effort to benefit the real estate industry and community. After years of activity and community support, we are proud of what we’ve accomplished together.


    The Peak Producers is not just a name — it represents the core values we strive to have in our members, our organization and our impact on the real estate community. Simply put, we only work with the best. The members who have joined The Peak Producers have all met very specific professional and performance criteria.

    Why We Love Being Peak Producers

    Our Origins

    In 2009 Empire Title of Colorado Springs brought a group of top producing real estate agents together in an effort to benefit the industry and community. Round table discussions were held with real estate agents and employing brokers to get a vision of what the group would become. After several round table discussions, “Peak Producers” was formed.

    The Peak Producers is made up of the top ten percent of all real estate agents in the Pikes Peak Region. Our group wanted to promote professionalism within the industry, but more importantly, to support and give back to the community as well as endorse local charities. Factors which influenced these decisions included helping the homeless, cleaning up the tent cities, and filling short-falls where local government couldn’t.

    The charity chosen in our inaugural year of 2010 was “Keep Colorado Springs Beautiful”, which is tied to the Marian House and other organizations that help the homeless. Keep Colorado Beautiful was responsible for the cleaning and relocation of tent cities throughout Colorado Springs, in addition to cleaning up intersections, parks, and roads. More than simply donating funds, the members of the Peak Producers contributed countless hours of their time and energy to improve the community, including hands-on volunteerism in physically cleaning roadway medians and shoulders.

    In 2011, Peak Producers contributed its support to Catholic Charities and the Marian House by personally sponsoring two local families. We experienced great success helping these families – one a single mother of two daughters, the other a couple with nine children – so we proudly lent our energy and enthusiasm to Marian House and Catholic Charities over the next three years. Last year, the membership devoted its efforts to assisting the non-profit organization Partners In Housing, and we excitedly continue that commitment in 2016 while also pledging our support behind the Springs Rescue Mission. We are proud about the help we’ve been able to provide since our inception and thrilled for the possibilities of what we can do collectively moving forward to aid our community.

    If you would be interested in also supporting the efforts of Peak Producers’ real estate agents or have additional questions about our group, please get in touch.


    Bill McAfee

    President, Empire Title of Colorado Springs, LLC
    Treasurer, Peak Producers

    Contact Us

      The Peak Producers—Only the Best

      Membership Criteria for The Peak Producers – the Best Colorado Springs Real Estate Agents

      Peak Producers is not just a name — it represents the core values we strive to have in our members, our organization and our impact on the real estate community.  Simply put, we want to work with the best, in the best way possible, to achieve the best results.  The members who have joined Peak Producers have all met very specific professional and performance criteria:


      Membership in the Pikes Peak Association of REALTORS®


      Outstanding volume of listing/sales units (Top 10 % minimum)


      Strong motivation to support charitable activities that give back to the Pikes Peak community.


      A willingness to share their networking skills, experience, and Real Estate knowledge to raise the level of professionalism within the Pikes Peak Association of REALTORS®.

      Why Work with a Peak Producer?

      The Peak Producers consists of area real estate agents in the top 10% of their field, based on volume of closed listing and sale transactions in the Pikes Peak MLS.

      • This year’s Peak Producer members averaged 34.12 transaction sides each in 2023, which is over five times more than
        the average active agent in the Pikes Peak Area!

      • The top 10% of active local Agents closed 14,059 transaction sides in 2023, or 48% of the total.

      • This year’s 85 Peak Producer members and teams closed 2,900. 5 transaction sides in 2023, or 10% of the total!

      (The information used in the above statistics was taken from the PPMLS and is deemed reliable but not guaranteed, as are all calculations and interpretations from this data.)

      More Vital Statistics

      We’ve learned to listen to the numbers

      2023 percentage of transactions for 2024 Peak Producers membership

      • There were approximately 4400 agents in the MLS as of 12/31/23, not counting associate members. This was a slight decrease of 121 agents compared to

      • The total number of transaction sides (buyer is one transaction; seller is another) across the entire PPMLS in 2023 equaled 29,034, a decrease of 23.1% over the
        year before and a sign that the market is going back to “normal”.

      • The top 10% of active local Agents closed 14,059 transaction sides in 2023, or 48% of the total. The remaining 90% of Agents closed 14,975 transaction sides,
        or 52% of the total. This year’s 85 Peak Producer members and teams closed 2,900.5 transaction sides in 2023, or 10% of the total!

      • 2,573 or 58% of the agents in the MLS did 3 deals or less. 888 agents, or 20% of the total agents did not close a single transaction.

      • Pikes Peak Area Active Agents closed on average 6.6 transaction sides each in 2023 while the top 10% of those Active Agents each closed on average 30.9
        transactions last year.

      • This year’s Peak Producer members averaged 34.12 transaction sides each in 2023, which is over five times more than the average active agent in the Pikes Peak Area!

      (The information used in the above statistics was taken from the PPMLS and is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. All calculations and interpretations from this data are also deemed reliable but not guaranteed.)