As we recently released to the press, and as many of you already know, The Peak Producers has accessed its funding reserves, and has chosen to support our two primary community partners, Springs Rescue Mission and Mary’s Home by Dream Centers, with additional monetary resources to the tune of $35,000 in April, 2020 during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. During this unprecedented time, the community needs that both of these amazing organizations meet (with so much caring, generosity and love) are both great and severe. We are grateful for all of our members for their ongoing support, and we are honored to be able to provide this assistance at such a unique and challenging time.

This gift continues our tradition of giving, and giving back to our community—the community from which our businesses and success depends so deeply. Springs Rescue Mission and Mary’s Home are both local charities committed to impactful, meaningful work assisting the homeless population in Colorado Springs. These incredible charities help bring dignity and opportunities to those finding themselves in despair and in need of a helping hand.

Watch here as our partners share messages of gratitude and support. Thank you Peak Producers!

Springs Rescue Mission

Springs Rescue Mission offers special assistance (such as the New Life Program) tailored to help men struggling with addiction set themselves back on the right path—as active members of the community making a positive contribution. This is work-readiness and a life-skills program, offering real results. As the Gazette article highlights, one recent graduate, Marlon Ashford, is now employed as a chef at an upscale Downtown hotel. These programs, and the Peak Producers’ support, truly make a difference.

Mary’s Home

Mothers stuck in a cycles of poverty, abuse, and homelessness can find a safe haven at Mary’s Home. They make their space more than just a residence — it’s a place to rebuild and to recover — often from trauma. Mary’s Home offers life skills, counseling and healthcare to some of the most vulnerable.